Foundation News

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 20/03/2023
You Said We Did: Scrutinise This Website

Each year, we ask groups of residents to take a close look at how certain areas of our organisation are being run, in a process called resident scrutiny. We wanted…

General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation | 08/02/2023
Pupils Feeling Happier Thanks to Jigsaw Funded Project

Children’s charity MedEquip4Kids delivered a positive psychology project in four Tameside primary schools following £9,950 of funding from the Jigsaw Foundation.

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 15/01/2023
You Said We Did: Cost of Living Survey 2022

In November 2022, 293 Jigsaw Rewards members took part in a survey to tell us about the impact the cost of living crisis was having on them and to give us ideas on how we can try to help.

Jigsaw Foundation | 10/01/2023
Residents Paint the Town Blue to Green Thanks to Jigsaw Foundation Funding

Residents in the Midlands recently explored their artistic side through a range of creative wellbeing activities following funding from the Jigsaw Foundation.

Investor updates | 05/01/2023
Half year performance update & new members join our board.

This is Jigsaw Homes Group’s first half yearly performance update following our successful debut bond issue amounting to £360m which completed in May 2022.

General | 09/12/2022
Our services on Friday 16 December 2022

Please note that we will be providing restricted services on Friday 16 December 2022 including an Emergency Repairs service only. Normal service will resume from Monday 19 December 2022. Please only…

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 18/11/2022
You Said We Did: Lettings Survey

We recently ran a survey on Jigsaw Rewards to ask for your views on exchanges and transfers. An exchange is a direct swap with another tenant who also wants to move, whereas a transfer is when you apply for rehousing and move to an empty property (this can sometimes take a while).

General | 13/09/2022
Office closure on Monday September 19th 2022

Our offices will be closed on Monday 19th September 2022 for the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. We will be joining our communities and the nation in mourning the…

Jigsaw Foundation | 31/08/2022
Food Club Gets a Spread of Funding

Mustard Tree Food Club was awarded £5,000 from Jigsaw Foundation to help provide food to residents in Miles Platting, allowing them to continually access affordable food. 

General, Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 23/08/2022
You said We Did: Hoarding Awareness Survey

Early this summer we ran a survey on Jigsaw Rewards to raise awareness about our hoarding support service.   We asked residents to read a news article on our website and feedback to us about their thoughts.