Category: General

General | 09/03/2021
Telephone system essential maintenance work – Thursday 11 March

We will be carrying out essential maintenance work on our telephone system from 8.00am on Thursday 11 March. This may cause some disruption to our service. If your call disconnects,…

General, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, You Said We Did | 01/03/2021
You Said – We Did: Jobs and Skills

The views and experiences of our residents are at the heart of our plans, helping us to make the changes needed to improve our neighbourhood services. We want to have…

General | 13/01/2021
Have you applied for the EU Settlement Scheme?

Brexit came into effect on 1 January 2021 and with it came changes to the rights of EU citizens being able to live, work and access public funds in the…

General, In Your Area | 06/01/2021
Supporting our residents over Christmas

In December, the Moss Side Allotments community group run by volunteers, boxed over 100 food parcels for local people in need. Jigsaw Group collected and delivered 26 parcels out into…

General | 08/12/2020
New customer website launches: My Jigsaw

Following an important system update, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new customer website: My Jigsaw. This replaces the Adactus Connect and New Charter Customer Hub websites….

General | 03/12/2020
IT System And Customer Website Upgrade – Friday 4th December

On Friday 4th December, we will be carrying out planned upgrade works to our IT systems.  During this time Jigsaw Homes Group will have limited access to some services and…

General | 23/11/2020
New Government ‘Charter’ for Social Housing Providers is Launched

A new Government Charter says social housing providers must be clear on how our residents’ money is being spent and make it easier for everyone to get more up-to-date information….

General, Jigsaw Rewards, Scrutiny | 06/11/2020
Jigsaw Rewards Gas Safety Scrutiny Meeting

  As a group, Jigsaw creates new and exciting opportunities for residents as part of our plan to help regenerate neighbourhoods and opportunities for our communities to thrive. We work…

General, Jigsaw Rewards | 26/10/2020
Win a 43” Ultra HD 4K Smart TV! 

Register for Jigsaw Rewards to be in with a chance to win a 43” Ultra HD 4K Smart TV!  SIGN UP* before 31st December 2020 and complete one of our surveys to be…

General | 02/10/2020
Black History Month

This month is Black History Month, the annual celebration of history, achievements and contributions of black people in the UK. Black History Month was launched in London in 1987 with…