Foundation News

Jigsaw Foundation helps fund projects in the heart of our communities

Jigsaw Foundation helps fund projects in the heart of our communities

Since its launch on 3 April, our Jigsaw Foundation £500,000 fund applications have been arriving in droves! We had our first round of voting on Jigsaw Rewards a few weeks ago and our residents have chosen which projects should be rolled out in their areas.

A grant of £21,772 – one of our biggest grants in the Manchester area – recently went to Mustard Tree charity based in Manchester who tackle the causes and consequences of poverty and homelessness. They offer a range of fantastic services for people around the Central and North Manchester areas, who are experiencing low incomes, homelessness and other difficulties.

The grant will fund the provision of a project worker, who will deliver a range of support activities to approximately 1,900 people in our Neighbourhood Plan areas.

The support includes: employability skills, affordable food provision, assistance with accessing health services, managing finances, improving mental wellbeing, and a community shop selling refurbished furniture and homeware.

David Bond, the Trusts and Grants Manager for Mustard Tree, said: “Thanks to the incredible support of organisations like Jigsaw, we can continue to be a community of hope and opportunity for people in poverty and facing homelessness in Manchester.”

Active Tameside received £112,500 over three years for the ‘Great Sports’ project. The project will provide a network of easily accessible sports and physical activities for young people aged 6-19 in targeted Tameside neighbourhoods.

The bespoke programme will engage and develop volunteers to work alongside coaches to deliver the sessions. The sessions will provide young people with an opportunity to take part in a variety of activities including: football, dance, basketball, inclusion sessions and an Introducing Life Skills programme.

The Jigsaw Foundation team also visited Denton CAB, who received a grant of £13,500 over a period of 3 years.

They will be providing a drop-in advice service one morning a week in Denton. The qualified adviser, who we have partially funded, will advise on debt, rent arrears, employment, housing, legal and benefits and if required, will make referrals to specialist teams.

Curzon Ashton FC, who do a lot of work in the community, have been awarded £20,000 over 2 years.

This money will go towards a horticultural project, Friday and Saturday night football sessions, disability sessions, a Mental Health Football programme, free courses for looked after children and will help them continue their military veterans football team.

Funding is still available across all Jigsaw Group neighbourhoods. The Jigsaw Foundation team are still taking referrals for further grants.  If you would like to find out more information, or apply for a grant, you can contact the team at:

You can also visit the Jigsaw Foundation website here: