Foundation News

You Said We Did: Lettings Survey

We recently ran a survey on Jigsaw Rewards to ask for your views on exchanges and transfers. An exchange is a direct swap with another tenant who also wants to move, whereas a transfer is when you apply for rehousing and move to an empty property (this can sometimes take a while). At the moment, as the supply of social housing is being squeezed, fewer empty homes are becoming vacant and waiting lists are getting bigger. We wanted to find out if residents would be open to more exchanges to try and help people move more quickly.

214 people took part in the survey and here’s how we will be using their feedback:

Here’s how we will be using your feedback:

You Said: 83% of the people answering the survey would welcome an exchange as opposed to a transfer.

We Did: We are working in partnership with House Exchange, which is a national exchange service website, where tenants can advertise their property and search for an alternative.  We aim to improve the understanding of the website and promote its use to our tenants.

You Said: 76% of people who took part in the survey said they would welcome rightsizing services where households who are overcrowded are supported to be matched with those who are under occupied so that they can exchange homes.

We Did: We are now working on ideas for a Jigsaw rightsizing service, watch this space.

You Said: 14 people asked for personal advice within the answers to the survey.

We Did: We have contacted all of them,  ten of which have been given one-to-one support and advice, the other four we are waiting to hear back from.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey.

If you would like to take part in future surveys like this then join Jigsaw Rewards, simply go to our website to join.

You can take part in as many or as few activities as you like and at a time that is convenient to you. In return, you will receive points which can be exchanged for high-street gift vouchers or credits towards your rent account.

Our members can receive over £100 in vouchers or rent credits each year.