Foundation News

You Said We Did: Cost of Living Survey 2022

You Said We Did: Cost of Living Survey 2022

In November 2022, 293 Jigsaw Rewards members took part in a survey to tell us about the impact the cost of living crisis was having on them, and to give us ideas on how we can try to help.

The results showed how the rise in the cost of living affected people in many different ways.  Below are some of the new things we are doing to try and help, in addition to the existing support we offer such as setting up and running community grocers and warm hubs, delivering employability support, providing funding to food banks and offering specialist money and energy advice.

You said: Approximately 3 in 10 people said that their mental health has been negatively impacted by the cost of living.

We did: Created a new section of our website containing lots of different information and advice to help people with rising costs. It also includes links to organisations that can help people who are struggling with their mental wellbeing.


You said: 80% of people said they wouldn’t contact Jigsaw for support if they were struggling with money issues.

We did: Set up a project to identify customers who generally don’t contact us very often and check in to see whether they needed any support. We are also promoting the support we have available more widely so people know we are here to help.


You said: 55% of the Jigsaw Rewards members who took part in this survey said their biggest concern about the cost of living was energy prices.

We did: Later this year we will be launching a dedicated fund to provide assistance for customers struggling with their energy bills, in addition to our existing personalised energy advice service. Our Money Advice service also helps people apply to hardship funds offered by energy suppliers such as the British Gas Energy Trust.


You said: 82% of the people taking part in the survey said they were financially worse off compared with six months earlier and 32% said they weren’t aware Jigsaw had a Money Advice team.

We did: Our Money Advice team assists people in making sure they receive all support and benefits they are eligible for. They have been working hard to make more residents aware of the services they offer so they can help more people. They can also help people who are struggling to apply to their energy suppliers hardship funds.


You said: 47% of the survey participants said they had used some form of credit to cover essential household costs.

We did: We are working to increase capacity of our specialist debt advisors so we can help even more people.


You said: 23 people who took part in the survey requested support from our Money Advice team.

We did: Each person was contacted by the Money Advice team with an offer of support relevant to their situation.


You said: 42 people who took part in the survey requested support for our Energy Advice team.

We did: Each was contacted by the Energy Advice team with an offer of support relevant to their situation.


Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey.

If you would like to take part in future surveys like this then join Jigsaw Rewards, simply go to our website  to join.

You can take part in as many or as few activities as you like and at a time that is convenient to you. In return, you will receive points which can be exchanged for high-street gift vouchers or credits towards your rent account.

Our members can receive over £100 in vouchers or rent credits each year.