Foundation News

You said We Did: Hoarding Awareness Survey

You said We Did: Hoarding Awareness Survey

Early this summer we ran a survey on Jigsaw Rewards to raise awareness about our hoarding support service.   We asked residents to read a news article on our website and feedback to us about their thoughts.

If you missed the original article you can read it here:

182 people took part in the survey and we received some very valuable feedback. Of the people who took part, 21% said either themselves or someone they knew, struggled with hoarding behaviour. 37% didn’t know hoarding was a mental health problem that a GP can diagnose.

Here’s how we will be using your feedback:

You Said: 87% of those who completed the survey said they didn’t know we had a support service and people suggested we should promote this more.

We Did: We are designing a leaflet to promote the support service.  We will keep information on our website about the hoarding service and we will share information about it on our social media channels.

You Said: 86% of the residents who took part in the survey said they would contact Jigsaw for support if they need help. They also suggested that sharing real life experiences of the people who had previously accessed the service, might encourage people who need help, but were nervous, to reach out for support.

We Did: We will speak to residents who have used our service and ask if they are willing to provide testimonials about their experiences. If so we will share these on our website and on our social media.

You Said: Jigsaw Rewards members suggested that when Jigsaw staff visit someone’s home they should consider whether the person might be interested in receiving hoarding support and if appropriate make a referral.

We Did: We are promoting our hoarding support service to colleagues throughout Jigsaw, to help our teams put residents in touch with hoarding support if they need it.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey.

If you would like to take part in future surveys like this, join Jigsaw Rewards.  It’s quick and easy to do by visiting . You can take part in as many or as few activities as you like and at a time that is convenient to you. In return, you will receive points which can be exchanged for high-street gift vouchers or credits towards your rent account. Our members can receive over £100 in vouchers or rent credits each year.