About us

How can we help you today?
Who we are
Find out more about the Group, our journey and the member organisations.
What we do
Our members build, renovate and manage low-cost housing for rent and sale. The core of our business is centered on the management of 35,482 homes. We work to help regenerate neighbourhoods and increase life opportunities for disadvantaged individuals and communities.
How we are run
Jigsaw Group uses overlapped Boards to simplify its governance arrangements and to make the best use of the shared skill-set of our board members and directors. The day-to-day running of the Association is the job of the Group’s senior team of directors led by the group chief executive, Hilary Roberts.
Our performance
The Group has an established suite of performance measures which are monitored by the board and by the Risk & Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.

We are one of the early adopters of the Good Economy’s voluntary reporting framework for housing providers to report Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (esg) performance in a transparent, consistent and comparable way.
Equality & Diversity
We recognise our responsibility to provide equality of opportunity, eliminate discrimination and promote good relations in our activities as a landlord, managing agent, employer, contractor, partner and purchaser.